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The Hare In The Lane zig zags down a Devon lane in November, framed by navel wort, ivy leaves and hearts tongue fern.

£120 plus P+P. Contact me to check availability. The under glaze version is not available at the moment, but one in shades of brown and tan is. Both are suitable for both homes and gardens, indoor and out door spaces and fully weatherproof.

The Hare In The Lane sculpture with underglaze decoration

This sculpture is based on an encounter I had with a hare in a Devon lane, near my studio, as I was driving home very late at night. I hadn't seen a hare in decades, and had forgotten the zig-zag way of running they have. I drove very slowly so as to not spook the hare, so she would sit in the road and look over her shoulder at me until I got too close, then she would take off again. It took nearly a mile before she was able to escape under a field gate, but it left a big impression on me. Hares are magical, other-worldly creatures, and their movements are used in divination.

Hare in the Lane sculpture copper wash
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Última atualização em 9 de setembro de 2022. Copyright Ama Menec 2022

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