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Back by popular demand! Ceramic Minibeast Wildlife Bas-relief Sculptures, (smaller sizes): All of the sculptures in this series measure 12cm (5") by 12cm (5") and cost £49 each plus P+P. They are all suitable for indoor and outdoor spaces. Some hang in multiple directions and all are available in life like underglaze colours, apart from the Spiny Seahorse, Dormouse and Wren, which are available in two finishes each. Contact me to order one.

Dormouse asleep in its nest bas relief sculpture with life like underglaze colours and a copper wash
May Bug on an oak leaf wall hanging sculpture
Spiny Seahorse sculpture with electric blue glaze
Great Diving Beetle emerging from the water wall hanging sculpture
Wall hanging sculpture of a spiny seahorse
Cinnabar Moth on a Ragwort flower
Elephant Hawkmoth on wild honeysuckle wall hanging sculpture
Wren sculpture for gardens with colourful underglaze decoration
Dormouse Copper and Rutile.JPG
Wren Copper Wash.JPG
May Bug bas relief sculpture being held in my hand
I make, decorate and fire all of these, and you can see them being made at my studio at the Happy Crab Gallery, 20A Gloucester street, Weymouth, Dorset, UK, DT4 7AW.

You can buy them from my indoor display, and from my small sculpture garden, at the Happy Crab Gallery, as well as online.
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Última atualização em 9 de setembro de 2022. Copyright Ama Menec 2022

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