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Horseshoe Bat bas relief sculpture against a full moon and clouds. Available in 3 finishes: Underglazed yellow moon, shades of brown or shades of purple/blue. All are suitable for both homes and gardens, indoor and out door spaces and fully weatherproof.

£99 plus P+P. Contact me to find out which styles are currently available.

Wall hanging bas relief sculpture of a horseshoe bat against a full yellow moon with bright underglaze
Horseshoe bat with electric blue glaze.jpg
Wall hanging bas relief sculpture of a horseshoe bat against a full moon with brown copper wash

Horseshoe bats are in decline in the UK, and their main stronghold is in the South West, where I live. We need to raise awareness that a lack of roost sites and crashing insect biodiversity is something we call all help with.

I loved sculpting this piece, largely for carving those delicate fingers which make up their wings. They must surely have the biggest hand to body ratio!

This is my only bas relief where the animal isn't breaking out of the frame, as the body and wings fill a square frame perfectly.

Wall hanging bas relief sculpture of a horseshoe bat against a full moon with electric blue glaze
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© Ama Menec 2025
The Happy Crab Gallery, 20A Gloucester street,
Weymouth, Dorset, UK, DT4 7AW Tel: 07943 803551

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