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Wild Boar bas relief sculpture available now in two different clays, craft crank and terracotta, both fired to stoneware temperatures. £99 plus P+P Contact me to check availability. Both are suitable for both homes and gardens, indoor and out door spaces and fully weatherproof.

Wild Boar sculpture in craft crank clay with a copper and rutile wash and highlights.

These shy creatures have been hunted to extinction twice in the UK and twice been reintroduced again. They are important geoengineers, particularly of forest and marginal land, and are the only creatures that can dig up and eat bracken roots. This makes them invaluable in preventing the spread of bracken, and helps other plant species to take root in forest clearings.

This sculpture was based on a photographic portrait of 'Boris the Boar' from the Forest of Dean, who was the gentlest of Wild Boar and a local celebrity. People travelled from miles around to meet him, and his popularity did wonders for the local economy.

Wild Boar ceramic sculpture in terracotta clay fired to stoneware temperatures.
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Ùrachadh mu dheireadh air 9 Sultain 2022. Dlighe-sgrìobhaidh Ama Menec 2022

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